"Rockstar Games' GTA 5 Source Code Leaked, Gaming Industry in Surprise."
This holiday season has taken a worrisome turn for gamers and developers worldwide, with prominent gaming studios such as Insomniac and Rockstar Games grappling with significant data breaches.
Following the recent disclosure of Insomniac's Wolverine game leak, Rockstar Games, renowned for Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 5, is now the latest victim facing substantial data exposure, according to a report by Sportskeeda.
In a revelation by popular YouTuber SKizzle on X (formerly Twitter), it was disclosed that the complete source code of GTA 5 has been publicly leaked, along with data related to Bully 2 and the next GTA title, codenamed "Project Americas."
SKizzle substantiated the disclosure by sharing a screenshot of the leaked GTA 5 source code, hinting at Rockstar's potential sequel to the acclaimed Bully video game.
Reports on X suggest that the source code was distributed through an undisclosed Discord server to prevent further proliferation of the leaked data.
Although the source code and footage of GTA 5 were exposed last year, they were kept under wraps until the present moment, resulting in a substantial data loss for Rockstar Games and the potential to affect both current and future players of the series.
Worries have arisen among online gaming enthusiasts about possible delays in the release of the highly anticipated GTA 6, fueled by the sensitive nature of the leaked source code.
As Rockstar Games has yet to officially address the leak, fans are encouraged to recognize the hard work put into game development and avoid spreading the leaked source code further.
The gaming community is on edge as these high-profile data breaches cast a shadow over the holiday season for both developers and gamers alike.
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