PTA Announces License Fee for VPN Registration Under New Regulatory Framework
The PTA has proposed a new regulatory framework under its licensing system to include VPN services, improving the regulation of the usage of VPN in Pakistan and providing a response to the problem of unregistered services.
As part of the plan, the PTA will issue licenses to local companies wishing to provide VPN services. The fee for the license for nationwide coverage has been set at Rs300,000, whereas for a province-specific area, it would be Rs100,000. Each license would be valid for 15 years, with the option to renew it when it expires.
This framework seeks to integrate the VPN service providers into Pakistan's regulatory structure, such as the internet, cellular services, and vehicle tracking services.
PTA intends that they be able to effectively monitor the VPN traffic by letting users have the liberty of choice of service provider.
Experts in IT hail this move because it is considered likely to enable Pakistan to offer significant support to its vast and ever-growing freelance sectors where millions of women are featured.
The increasing demand for this market will be legally catered to by the local VPN providers with this new law.
Aside from the licensing fee, guidelines to be followed by the PTA will be necessary to make sure that the services provided will be secure and reliable.
This framework is meant to be used by the government to boost cybersecurity by monitoring the traffic coming from VPNs, not compromising the user experience.
This licensing initiative is a major step forward in modernizing Pakistan's IT sector and fostering its digital economy.
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